

亚虎体育 资迅


FEIMEC 2024 Brazil

年月日:2024-03-25 🐲 浏览量:101

Sao Paulo Industry Exhibition (FEIMEC) is one of the traditional integrated machinery and machine tool exhibitions in the world,We eamnos.company will take part in the International Fair of Machinery and Equipment 2024 Brazil(FEIMEC 2024) from 07 to 11 May 2024.

We will show our precise products like chuck jaws, power chucks, manual chucks, tailstock live centers etc.

Omatei invites you to join us in this grand event and welcomes you to visit our booth at Hall N053. We look forward to seeing you and provide you the professional solution of chuck series products.

Exhibition:International Fair of Machinery and Equipment 2024 Brazil
Date:From 07th to 11th May  2024
Venue:  Sao Paulo Expo, Sao Paulo, Brazil


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